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castle rock reddit theories

Finally Bill says, "Do you hear it now?" This could also be a case of against type casting as the latest role everyone associates with Skarsgard is Pennywise and it would be a bit boring to cast him in two Stephen King adaptations as demonic entities.Idk man, as far as we can tell he definitely forced the guard to see those visions at the end of episode 1.

The warden found a way to trap all the evil in Castlerock (maybe with the preachers help?).
He also … He didn’t have frost bite on hands but it was on his feet and toes.I just thought of that Henry is the mentioned “devil”, unknowing to him though. Reddit user Ken2Insuru theorized that the evil returned to Castle Rock when Henry arrived, because The Kid has been there all along.

That is why the Sheriff is staying at Henry’s mothers and also in cahoots with the warden.Yeah well they do have Henry as the antagonist in the Stephen King wikia.My thought as well - Henry is bad but doesn’t realize it - or he isn’t the same since he went missing.I think the kid IS the cage. Anyone have theories on who Bill's character will wind up being? That guard has been nothing but nice to him and that’s how he returns the favor?And they made a point of showing him watch the mouse get killed by the mouse trap and be completely stoic about itI’ve actually started to side with this theory a bit more when someone brought the Stephen King character Tak to my attention! Maybe that's why he visited the boy so offenWhile he might end up having traits clearly drawn from major King characters, and maybe even share a name, I seriously doubt he is anyone we know (so he's not actually Flagg, or Georgie, or the guy from needful things, etc. There’s a theory going around that in the first episode “reasonable doubt” we the viewers are the jury and have to decide if this kid who claims he can’t control the problems around castle rock (which I think is horse shit) is telling the truth. 368 votes, 2.5k comments. 17.7k Residents
These 'Castle Rock' Season 2 Theories Will Make You Question Everything Joy Will Become Annie. Now that I know who that is, I can see it being Tak in quite a few ways because Tak attaches himself onto people even whether or not they are willing..and someone said something about Tak rapidly causing cancer in one of Kong’s books which would relate quite a bit to the prisoner The Kid shared a cell with and maybe why he warned him!I mostly agree with you on this...but when he said Henry's name....he held back a very mischievous looking smile. I wish that I had started this show earlier to be a part of the live discussions on this subreddit because MAN is this show give me theories-galore and has me wanting to discuss the ending of each episode. Also, I am going to be keeping my eyes peeled for the RF initials haha.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWelcome to Castle Rock! While the Redditor doesn’t point this out, it’s possible The Kid is the Deaver son from the secondary timeline (although how, exactly, he’s caused decades of mayhem in Castle Rock is unclear). Who knows!I feel like they want us too think he's evil when he isn't. Well Reddit users have a different theory. You barely see it, but it is there for a split second...Another thing I noticed- in a flashback when they were questioning Molly while under her covers, they asked about Henry’s Dad and she said “that’s not his Dad.” I know he’s adopted, but I don’t think she meant that...I’m wondering if Henry’s Dad was taken over/possessed by something/someone And Henry says “He’s not my real dad” or something to that effect in one of the flashbacks, if I recall correctly! The first 3 episodes of Castle Rock have been released and are filled with Easter Eggs. Castle Rock is an American psychological horror web television series on Hulu based on characters and settings from the stories of Stephen King. which we hear Henry's Dad say to him in another flashback..interesting.Jane Levy's character is named Jackie Torrance, which definitely sounds like a reference to The Shining's Jack Torrance. Nothing he's done so far, including apparently killing guards, makes me think he is evil.I read an article and Bill states, " The Kid is an original character, but has a "mythological connection" to one of King's works," also mentioning they don't want to reveal his name because that would give it away.You could definitely be right, but based off of the interview with Bill Skarsgard, I am thinking it sounds like they are planning to make him someone we know...at least in some way shape or form. Wonder if this will tie into anything, or just be there for the fun of it.The children in the masks- wonder if children of the corn could be molded into the mystery of this season- could be played into the time of Henry's disappearance and with what Molly did.Did anyone notice that loud noise in the beginning of the first episode right before Alan saw Henry on the ice?Wonder why there was a box of clipped nails/if it means anything at all?Really curious to see how the story with Molly is going to play out, with her pulling the breathing tube out from Henry's father and her ability to feel everything others can feel.What was the tape Henry burned with the date 11/23/89?I feel like the church/religion is going to play into it somehow.Main theory for me: Leeland Gaunt from Needful Things. . What really got me was how realistic the casting was for the characters and location, one thing i really hate about shows is that the casting despite the quality of the acting is just off.

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castle rock reddit theories