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mine ban treaty un

cit. How Could We Still Put Our Neighbor at Risk?You can unsubscribe at any time. Text of the main part of the Final Document in Appendix 3, p. 388-395Stuart Maslen (2004), op. 75 Years: Canada, Nuclear Weapons and the UN Ban Treaty.

point 0.49, and note 139, p. 26Stuart Maslen, op. States parties may retain and transfer some anti-personnel mines—“the minimum number absolutely necessary”—for the specific purposes of “the development of and training in mine detection, mine clearance, or mine destruction techniques”. It was also essential to elaborate this Treaty in a free standing negotiating process outside the Conference on Disarmament (CD), as there mine-affected Countries not Members of the CD would be excluded and opponents of a total ban could block the project immediately, e. g. simply by denying consensus to put it on the agenda.At the Ottawa Conference in October 1996 Dr. Ehrlich defended the project of a Total Ban Convention, against opponents of a total ban as well as even against leading humanitarian organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), which at the beginning saw the project as premature, as detraction or even as a waste of time.His third and final draft before leaving disarmament at the end of 1996 to become Austria’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran Mines Action Canada grew out of the efforts of Canadian non-governmental agencies concerned about the rapidly spreading impact of landmines and cluster munitions. During the three days a number of States Parties provided informal presentations of their Requests for Extension of their mine clearance deadlines under Article 5. As a result, ratification has been far from universal, and many of the states that do not currently intend to ratify the treaty possess large stockpiles of anti-personnel mines.Ukraine has also signaled that they might have to withdraw from the treaty due to military necessity.Opponents of banning anti-personnel mines give several reasons, among them that mines are a cheap and therefore cost-effective The Ottawa Treaty does not cover all types of unexploded ordnance. The result was the adoption in 1980 of the In 1993, as international concern escalated over the impact of anti-personnel mines on the civilian population in many conflict-affected areas, France called for a review conference of the Convention. The Conference had before it the third Austrian draft treaty as the starting point of the negotiations. This purpose is defined in the second paragraph of the "Chairman’s Agenda for Action on Anti-Personnel Mines". Some EU Countries prompted the Netherlands to propose in the CD a draft mandate for negotiations on a total ban of APM’s. The Conference also adopted an action plan outlining concrete activities which States, international organizations and non-governmental organizations were willing to take towards this goal, and decided to hold a follow-on conference in Brussels in June 1997. On 4 November 1996, the United States introduced a draft resolution entitled “An international agreement to ban anti-personnel landmines” with eighty-four co-sponsors (The Austrian Government decided to host a governmental meeting in February 1997 in Vienna to enable States to exchange views on the content of the circulated draft, to which it invited States, the United Nations and non-governmental organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Somalia, now a State Party, was absent from the 2011 resolution, but has voted in favor in previous years.The number of states abstaining from supporting the resolution has ranged from a high of 23 in 2002 and 2003 to a low of 17 in 2010, 2005 and 2006. In its first operative paragraph States are urged:" to pursue vigorously an effective, legally binding international agreement to ban the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel landmines with a view to completing the negotiations as soon as possible".A major threat to the project of a Total ban Convention as endorsed by the 1996 Ottawa Conference was the danger of being watered down. cit. Point 0.52, p. 28. . A recurrent opportunity for States to indicate their support for the ban on antipersonnel mines is their vote on the annual UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution calling for universalization and full implementation of the Mine Ban Treaty.

This often results in “family problems, PTSD [Post-traumatic stress disorder], stress and alcoholism.”In the words of the Secretary-General: “The Treaty’s 20-year anniversary of entering into force provides an opportunity to renew attention to the weapons that long outlive the conflict and continue to shred lives”.Although a landmark convention banning Anti-Personnel Mines has saved “countless lives” and limbs over the past 20 years, “accelerated efforts” are needed to ensure that they are removed from the face of the earth forever, the UN chief said on Thursday.Demining and other explosives clearance operations are ongoing in former ISIL-held areas of Iraq, but the work is painstaking and even more dangerous because of “3D contamination”, the UN Mine Action Service (A United Nations Mine Action Service team team visits mine clearance site in Central Equatoria, South Sudan.

The text of the proposal of the ICBL is in Appendix 4, p. 398-404, the text of the Belgian draft follows on p. 404Werner Ehrlich (1996) op. Giving us hope for their eventual elimination is the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, now with 39 of the 50 nations needed to sign and ratify it before coming into international law. No editorial comment is implied by the omission of a resource or website.

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mine ban treaty un