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to hock something

hock a loogie; Definitions include: to cough up a phlegm wad.

Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English "She found the cat." 2 : a small cut of meat from a front or hind leg just above the foot ham hocks. The phrase comes from the card game faro.

钱, 动物, (动物后腿上的)跗关节… Since 15th century the properties have often been leased, gifted or hocked to the members of nobility. in Thai sendi kaki…

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: to utter a harsh guttural sound in or as if in trying to clear the throat. Still, the word hawk in the form of a verb means to 'sell' or.....(yuk) spit.To 'hock' is to pawn....yet, if u don't uphold your contract the pawn shop then holds the right to 'hawk' (sell) what you brought to them planning to just 'hock'.Interestingly, it is not easy to find either 'hawk' or 'hock' (used as we have been discussing) in an English dictionary, although it can be found in what they call 'urban' dictionaries.

2 informal : to forcefully spit out (something, such as phlegm) : hock entry 5 hawk a loogie. One definition of hock is to pawn. Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee.Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "get" and "out."

hock meaning: 1. in debt: 2.

Adapted from the verb "hock" meaning to sell or pawn 2. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "get" and "out." Other terms relating to 'hock': hock; Definitions include: to pawn. Thankfully my sister got it out of hock for me earlier today.It feels so good to finally get out of hock. The rate of maturity has been accelerated, and a common criticism of light hindquarters and sickle hocks have been reduced to a minimum.

To get something one owns back from a pawnbroker or repossession. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Includes all parts of the body skeletal musculature and bone, extending to and including And as a further aside, in my part of the midwest, "Hork" means to take an item from a departed worker's area for your own use before the responsible clean-up crew return it to their stockpile: "Did you hear Larry got terminated?" Now I can finally start a meaningful savings account.I know that they've been struggling to get out of hock for years.His father offered to help get him out of hock, but Dave was too stubborn and proud to accept.If our newest product sells well, it should get us out of hock for rest of the financial year.I picked a smaller, more affordable college so I didn't have to go into hock to get an education.Things got so bad after I lost my job last summer that had to hock my guitar.Ew, did you seriously just hock a loogie in public?Things got so bad after I lost my job last summer that I took my guitar to the hock shop.I picked a smaller, more affordable school so I didn't have to be deep in hock with student loans for years after I graduated.I really needed cash, so my guitars are in hock, unfortunately.My car got repossessed yesterday.

For example, you would hear, "I just hocked Larry's pencil", meaning they took it from Larry. (Entry 1 of 5) 1 a : the tarsal joint or region in the hind limb of a digitigrade quadruped (such as the horse) corresponding to the human ankle but elevated and bending backward — see horse illustration. khuỷu chân sau… English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled 1.
Possessions that are in hock are pawned (= left temporarily with a person in…. To get something one owns back from a pawnbroker or repossession. hocked up; Definitions include: Fortified; put together with something more, Other terms relating to 'up': 6 up; Definitions include: a warning that one or more law enforcement officers are near. on the udder (fore and rear udders, udder floor and teats) andL'évaluation de la propreté des vaches est graduée de un à cinq sur la mamelle (trayons avant et arrière, la mamelle, le sol et les trayons) et

hock⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something."

From Originally mid 19th-century US slang, this sense of hock is now found only in this phrase or, occasionally, in out of hock. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including

das Fesselgelenk… 2 1998 Spectator Our conservatoires are still in hock … Where is your example sentence from?
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Now I can finally start a meaningful savings account.I know that they've been struggling to get out of hock for years.I go further into hock every time I use my credit card.After buying the luxury car, Bob was in hock for years.When I get my watch out of hock, I will always be on time.When I pay off my credit cards, I'll be out of hock for the first time in years.

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to hock something