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physicians for social justice

Far too often, gross inequities mean that some groups succumb to disease and death disproportionately, while others’ advantages protect them, due to disparities in health care provision, political persecution, social strife, racial discrimination, and a plethora of other factors.Two powerful pieces by South African physicians highlight the systemic injustices of the apartheid era. The region routinely fails to meet federal air quality standards, and suffers from high levels of ozone pollution and smog.

World Health Organization. Structural violence exists.

Justice for Genocide Does Not Stop for COVID-19 Sponsoring hate radio and purchasing large quantities of hand-wielded weapons can result in an arrest on charges of genocide, even more than 25 years… As the world battles the rapid spread of COVID-19, the disease caused…

Partners PfCJR will partner with like-minded organizations to leverage multidisciplinary expertise in an effort to drive coordinated, cross-systemic change. King ML, Jr. Letter from a Birmingham jail.

HIRING: Physicians for Social Justice! J. Wesley Boyd Paradoxically, even attempts at humanitarian aid run the risk of ignoring the voices of the vulnerable people they intend to help.

Hanni Stoklosa, Aimee M. Grace, and Nicole Littenberg Choosing not to see injustices does not mean they are not occurring. Conditions in the Matamoros camp – an informal settlement of 3,000 asylum seekers just across the border from Brownsville, Texas – are poor, with… The image is seared in my brain. Wendy Orr’s South Africa is not the only place where physicians have engaged in egregiously unethical conduct without dissuasion or punishment from medical societies or criminal courts. Law enforcement throughout the world is increasingly responding to popular protests with… hardcopies: kontakt@ippnw.de (print on demand) ISBN-13: 978-3-9817315-0-7 Physicians for Social Justice (PSJ) provides basic health care and empowers communities to take charge of their health needs through its innovative mobile-health clinic program in Niger State, Nigeria.

Human rights abuses exist. Medicine and Social Justice will have periodic postings of my comments on issues related to, well, Medicine, and Social Justice, and Medicine and Social Justice. www.psr.org www.pgs.ca .

Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles 617 South Olive St, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-689-9170 info@psr-la.org. As Stephanie Bi and Tobin Klusty The ethics cases in this issue highlight very real social justice issues that physicians face.

In the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics, it is clearly designated that nurses must be first obligated to their patients and providing respectful, fair, and equal care to all people.In the Code’s latest revision, there is special reinforcement of our obligation to social justice and the profession’s responsibility to integrate principles of justice into nursing and health policy. If left unaddressed, existing health disparities will be exacerbated.Oil extraction practices operate next to our homes, schools, and hospitals. COVID-19 Physicians for Criminal Justice Reform seeks to support the creation of a humane, egalitarian justice system by using the following strategies. Today marks 100 days since the first documented death related to COVID-19 in the United States. If we can stop urban oil extraction and keep it in the ground here where people live, we can stop climate change at the source, while also improving health for frontline communities. Due to their shorter lifespan in the atmosphere, reducing these super pollutants will bring short and long term benefits for both the climate and air quality.Ending neighborhood drilling is the local climate fight in Los Angeles. In some countries, health workers face personal protective equipment shortages; in others, governments actively exploit the… The visibly nervous woman, speaking in hushed tones via WhatsApp from Mexico, shows me the sparse items…

Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” [2]. Air pollution is linked to higher rates of asthma, respiratory problems, and cancer risk. For more information on our Air & Climate Justice program, contact: Eric Romann, STAND LA Coalition Coordinator, eromann@psr-la.org, 213-689-9170 ext. Viewpoint

We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Physicians for Criminal Justice Reform (PfCJR) is a national movement of health professionals working to change the interaction between the criminal justice system and individuals of targeted populations in an effort to improve the health of said targeted communities. We need to foster a just and thriving economy that provides jobs and other economic benefits for communities without compromising their health. The Coalition has been involved in supporting, among others, the following causes: In: A special thanks to J. Wesley Boyd, MD, PhD, of Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School, for his mentorship in conceptualizing the issue and his critical support in bringing it to fruition.The viewpoints expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA.We invite submission of manuscripts for peer review on upcoming theme issues. Health and Social Justice: The Role of Today’s Physician Nikhil A. Patel, MS As physicians (and trainees), we are often at the front lines, facing societies’ ills with our patients as our windows into spaces and worlds we may not be living in.
Perhaps this is because these issues make us uncomfortable and the science of medicine feels more exact, or perhaps it is because we feel helpless against large social structures that make violations of rights possible.In the context of health and health care, a commitment to social justice means believing that everyone ought to be able to avoid preventable disease and escape premature death. [i] Since then, the United States has reported roughly…

Lire en francais. The PSJ team is comprised of people doctors, nurses, and community health workers PSJ team discussing a case PSJ founder, Dr. Chukwumuanya Igboekwu

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physicians for social justice