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longest day in germany 2020

Midsummer is celebrated on June 24 and it’s a day that’s meant for us to appreciate all the gifts that nature gives us. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [wpforms id="8315" title="false" description="false"]


Later in the day, the sexes mingle and take turns jumping over a bonfire. if(window.fbl_started) "Drinking is the most typical Midsummer tradition. Join us on a 12-month journey to see them all status : false,

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You can also learn ancient history firsthand from Swedes who know what they're talking about.Celebrate the day by preparing traditional foods. Germanic neopagans called their summer solstice festival Litha.

It was said that spirits were free to roam the earth when the sun was turning towards the southern hemisphere.In the fourth century, the holiday was changed to fit into Christian beliefs that honored St. John the Baptist called St. John’s Day.
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); There’s a direct correlation between people and plants with every breath we take. try{ Its longevity and the love that people have for it is proof enough that the holiday is here to stay.Midsummer reminds us that we should be appreciative of nature. In Singapore, a Northern Hemisphere city-state but one just barely above the equator, people barely notice the difference.

During the celestial annual journey of the Earth round the Sun, the Summer Solstice is the moment when the Sun is at its furthermost point north of the Equator. Midsummer –. } catch (e){} Plus, all the men like to show off, and make the biggest fire they can to jump through. Midsummer is about connecting with nature, so explore a new trail that you've never taken before and really notice your surroundings. }; var fbl_interval = window.setInterval(function(){ An old-fashioned tall ship sails on the Neva River in St. Petersburg on the early morning of June 24, 2017.

In the Gospel of Luke, Saint John’s birthday is said to be six months before the birth of Jesus, which would put his birthday in June. But the amount of sunlight we get in the Northern Hemisphere has been increasing daily ever since. In 2020, Ivan Kupala Day starts on the evening of July 6 and ends of the evening of July 7. For instance, residents of northerly St. Petersburg, Russia, will get a 3:35 a.m. sunrise and almost 19 hours of light. "There's a perfect beach for every week of the year. It's the shortest day of the year south of the equator. if( ! But if you happen to live in Tokyo, for instance, your precise summer solstice moment actually happens at 6:43 a.m. on Sunday, June 21.

Anyone who succeeds in jumping over the flames three times is meant to have a wish granted.

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longest day in germany 2020