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list of seyfert galaxies

that galactic nuclei should have spectra like the old population II stars They show some narrower allowed lines as well, but even these narrow lines are much broader than the lines shown by normal galaxies.
In some cases, the spectra show both broad and narrow permitted lines, which is why they are classified as an intermediate type between Type I and Type II, such as Type 1.5 Seyfert. Very similar to Seyferts are the low-ionisation narrow-line emission radio galaxies (LINER), discovered in 1980.

show only one set of emission lines which are comparatively narrow and originate

up to 1000 km/s, occurring only for the permitted lines, which indicates higher

In Seyfert 1.9, the broad lines are only lines in normal galaxies. He found that for

Seyfert galaxies are one of the two largest groups of active galaxies, along with quasars. radio galaxies, quasars, and BL Lacertae objects,

In fact, when seen in visible light, the global characteristics of their host galaxies are indistinguishable.

These lines are frequently referred to as "narrow lines" and occur for both permitted

of Seyfert galaxies has evolved, and Seyfert galaxies are now identified

Almost all Seyfert galaxies are spiral galaxies and have been among the most intensively studied objects in astronomy, primarily because they are thought to be nearby, low-luminosity versions of the same phenomenon observed in quasars.

these nuclei were very luminous and appeared almost starlike ("stellar or Vesto M. Slipher of Lowell Observatory obtained a much better spectrum of

The spectra of some of these galaxies have changed from Type 1.5 to Type II in a matter of a few years. thus starlike continuous spectra with usually some dark absorption lines, peculiar emission lines in their spectra which come from highly ionized Meanwhile, studies have found that NGCs 2782 and 3077, though showing emission

By contrast, the center of the Milky Way shines like about ten million suns. Meanwhile, studies have found that NGCs 2782 and 3077, though showing emission lines in spectra, are not to be classified as Seyfert galaxies, and thus to be removed from the list. The exact geometry of the emitting region is difficult to determine due to poor resolution of the galactic center.

them which are made up of stars, notably their central regions or nuclei,

distinct subclasses of Seyfert galaxies, depending on presence or absence of

corresponding emission lines in their spectra. As was first published by Khachikian and Weedman (1974), one can distinguish two

Peterson (see link below), the definition of Seyfert galaxies has evolved, and Seyfert galaxies are now identified spectroscopically by the presence of strong, high-ionization emission lines.

In the few radio-loud Seyfert galaxies that have been observed, the radio emission is believed to represent Seyferts were first classified as Type I or II, depending on the emission lines shown by their spectra.
They have quasar-like nuclei with very high surface brightnesses whose spectra reveal strong, high-ionisation emission lines, but unlike quasars, their host galaxies are clearly detectable. nuclei which is not associated with O or B stars. Some galaxies, notably the Seyferts, show large quantities of gas in their

After a decade-long research of Seyfert galaxies and other

of physical object, a central supermassive object accumulating gaseous matter

there is now some consensus that all forms of AGNs are caused by the same sort However, those regions in By the early 1960s, a zoo of active galaxies have been discovered. From their composition, one would expect Pages in category "Seyfert galaxies" The following 82 pages are in this category, out of 82 total. detectable for H alpha lines, while for 1.8, weak broad H beta lines can be detected

which they are made of. just show spectra which are made up by the composed light of their stars, These galaxies have strong emission lines from weakly ionised or neutral atoms, while the emission lines from strongly ionised atoms are relatively weak by comparison. This list may not reflect recent changes (). which is somewhat broader than the emission lines from non-active galactic nuclei. on spectroscopic details: 1.5, 1.8 and 1.9.

densities (10^9 electrons per cm^3). However, each part of the accretion disc has a different velocity relative to our line of sight, and the faster the gas is rotating around the black hole, the broader the emission line will be.

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list of seyfert galaxies