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how much did cowboys get paid in the 1800s

Let’s put it this way: men desperate for booze could dress the part convincingly.
I have no frame of reference other than often reading a soldier in the Union Army made around $11 (or is it $13) a month. He arrived in United States in about 1903 and he could get jobs at will that paid a $1.50 a day which he indicates was a substantial pay increase from Holland where he immigrated from. Tragic!Good points. (TMI: The alley intercourse wasn’t actually fully penetrative.) Count this as skilled tradesmen.

In other sectors of the economy, it could be more than twice that. High class courtesans were paid more in jewels, housing, clothes, etcI finished reading the posts and thinking about the comments about workers conditions, I can’t forget Upton Sinclair 1906 “The Jungle”. He also indicates that a 1.50 a day was considered a lousy wage once you got used to the richer life style America provided.The chart shows a carpenter in 1890 at a little over 32 cents per hour and $19.32 per week. Thanks Jim, Jack finally learned that he had replaced 2 workers each making $40 a month–one committed suicide, as he could not support his wife and 4 children. Related Questions. He also indicates that a 1.50 a day was considered a lousy wage once you got used to the richer life style America provided. It is from the National Bureau of Economic Research:Wages and Earnings in the United States, 1860-1890: Wages by Occupational and Individual CharacteristicsPerhaps there are better resources. According to accounts people (laborers) were paid 9 pence a wèek. The cook was paid between $50 and $75 per month depending on the size of the cattle drive and experience. He received his Bachelor of Arts in English from Tulane University. One tiny example: early in US history, laborers were often (usually?) I don’t even want to think what shoveling coal was like in 1890s. DarrellThe best way to increase productivity in construction is to pay ‘piece work’ (paying per piece installed). I’ve just started looking at it. Lots of historical narrative on the labor market. Those who yearn for one of the hardest jobs around receive great personal satisfaction and the great outdoors in return. Scott, you no doubt will have an opinion on my input.Did the 1921 article cite any major changes in technology in play at the time?No Jim, only enthusiastic cheering from the editor that greater effort from workers will lead to prosperity. It is the industry standard in most trades.

The back courses didn’t show, so they were laid crudely and would give a brick layer a higher average rate of bricks laid per day. Thanks for the reminder to consider the working conditions. How much money did Dr. Seuss make? Good descriptions on why interpreting the limited data is difficult. The job of cowboy is the stuff of legend. I do appreciate your observation that that “average” worker would have been working 10 hrs/day and 6 days a week!Thank you for information. Both his wrists were sprained, and he wore sprints for a year until they healed. What was the real story?8 pounds a month is a correct figure for rent in the city, or 4-6 for a 2-4 room country cottage. From traffic count I see on my blog, this post is extremely popular. The horse may be “wild” or pasture bred.My Grandfather was a Confederate soldier who made a living on a 40 acre black dirt farm.

For comparison, back then a typical school teacher's wage was $30 a month, and dinner in a … Often the work was in horrible conditions.

A family (mother and six children) lost their home to the flood, and was surviving in the corn crib with their 3 remaining hogs and a couple dozen chickens. According to the jobs website Indeed, the average professional rodeo cowboy made $150,000 in 2014.

Further, if some construction was seasonal, wages may have been raised so that workers could survive during down times, since there was no unemployment insurance.

-1 0 1 In Wyoming, it was $124,000.Nate Lee was senior editor of Chicago's "NewCity" newspaper and creative director in a global advertising agency. im doing a project on it.Check out the article that linked to this post – it is another description of why today is best possible time to be alive in all of human history.I was watching “Northanger Abbey” in one scene it mentioned 400 pounds a year for inheritance for a young couple getting married, is that good salary in the year of the early 1800’s ?I should think that would be a very nice sum to live on. Child labor was widely practiced. Admittedly, I am comparing average salaries in the private sector with starting salaries for the army.
Here is a reference point from the book “The Godwins and the Shelleys.” This book gives the family histories of Mary Shelley (author of Frankenstein) and husband Percy Bysshe Shelley. Virtually unchanged for decades, it still is about roping, branding, herding, feeding and caring for ranch livestock. As I recall, Jack London, famous writer, stated that ca. Good stuff.fwiw, W E B Du Bois says that in Summer, 1884, he was hired as timekeeper by contractors “building blue granite mansion in Great Barrington [MA] for the widow of railroad tycoon Mark Hopkins,” and worked on site for a year “at wage of one dollar a day.” W E B Du Bois, Are there any statistics on wages, hours worked, etc., by prostitutes during the same time frame?There are lots of people checking out this post – anyone seen data on point?

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how much did cowboys get paid in the 1800s