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fiv positive cats and surgery

Treatment for feline immunodeficiency virus infection is something that seems best to individualize from patient to patient.

If a mother cat has FIV she will pass antibodies against the virus to her kittens in the colostrum (first milk).

One of my cat, Francky, is FIV infected. The appropriate use of antibiotics and antifungal medications can often improve a cat’s condition for a period of time.

AZT has been shown to be helpful but can only be given for short periods of time in most cats. We asked our veterinarian about Interferon, and he prescribed 1 ml daily, and gave us a 100 day supply, to be refilled when gone. Mother cats cannot readily infect their kittens (except in the initial stages of infection). The usual dosage is 15mg/kg every 12 hours. If you wish to be cautious you could ask your vet to arrange for a test such as a Western blot test, just to confirm that antibodies to FIV are present.

Bone marrow transplantation has been studied in FIV positive cats and was helpful, although I suspect that arranging for this therapy would be difficult. While the jury is still out as to how significant a treatment this is likely to become, it is certainly clear that antioxidant supplementation may be beneficial on a number of planes and may be worth a try.While a non-geriatric FIV- cat should have an annual examination, the FIV+ cat should have a check-up twice a year. Only a few laboratories in the U.S. do this testing but it is likely that there is at least one in France. There are some bone marrow issues with red blood production and some periodic monitoring tests are advisable. I know of no special foods that help with FIV.

What this all means is that oral antioxidant supplementation may be helpful in keeping FIV+ cats healthy. If you live in a multiple-cat household, have all your cats tested for FIV and ask your veterinarian whether you should vaccinate your FIV-negative cats against the disease. It is possible to test directly for the virus itself in many viral illnesses. Of course, all of this is intended to keeping YD with us for as long as we can. If the mother is negative on a feline leukemia test it is very unlikely that the kittens would be infected as long as they are not exposed to any cats other than their mother who might be positive. This is a really important difference when trying to interpret the test. The FIV status of every cat should be known.

Any weight loss in particular should be addressed.AZT (brand name Retrovir®) is a prominent antiviral medication for the treatment of human HIV infection. Cats with FIV infection are more prone to kidney failure than cats who do not have this virus, so you may want to monitor for this problem by checking blood values pertaining to kidney function on a regular basis (every 3 to 6 months).

Infection rates for FeLV (Column 4) and FIV (Column 5) varied among various subpopulations and sources of cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2020) 22, 5–30 2020 AAFP Feline Retrovirus Testing and Management Guidelines Clinical importance: Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infections are found in cats worldwide.

If there is a big breakthrough in FIV therapy I am sure it will make it into the VetInfo Digest immediately, but if you want to ask for updates on FIV treatment at any time please feel free to do so. The eye problem may be a result of FIV and its effects on the immune system. Because biting is the most efficient means of viral transmission, free-roaming, aggressive male cats are the most frequently infected, while cats housed exclusively indoors are much less likely to be infected. In a cat with a positive test for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) but no clinical signs, it is also a good idea to confirm the infection if an ELISA antibody test was done in the vet's office as a screening procedure. There is research going on with several medications for FIV in cats, partly due to the fact that the disease in cats is similar enough to HIV that it stimulates research efforts. If problems arise, fortunately, they are reversible and should resolve with a few days of discontinuing medication.Drugs other than AZT seem to have more potential for toxicity and are not recommended for feline use.Immune-suppressed cats and immune-suppressed owners do not mix well.

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fiv positive cats and surgery