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With their relatively smooth, triangular sides, they bear a striking resemblance from the air to the pyramids at Giza, Egypt (above left).The curious formation seen here has been dubbed the Star City. It appears to show a free-standing geometric block of undetermined height. "If life ever existed on Mars, scientists expect that it would be small simple life forms called microbes," NASA stated in a press release.

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Yet, the little fellow looks quite healthy. There are other strange shapes in this picture, too.This picture, taken by the Curiosity rover on Mars, shows an object that very much looks like a human finger, complete with a fingernail.Obviously, we're only seeing one side of the object, so we cannot tell if it still looks like a finger from all sides. Some have suggested that it's a fossilized finger from a Martian or a broken-off finger from a Martian statue.Or is it just an odd rock that from this vantage point happens to look like a finger?This curiosity snapped by one of the cameras of the Curiosity rover on the surface of the planet Mars has been dubbed the Mars rodent. In stark contrast to the surrounding familiar rust-red rock of the planet is this ribbon of blue-green "something" in a canyon.
Large Lunar City On The Moon! 4/27/2018Parts Of Statues And High Tech Anomalies Found On Mars! Menu. Home. A highly unusual rock formation? Yet there is no impact crater; the meteor would have had to have been moving quite slowly to make no crater and keep its fragments in such a close grouping. What do you think?The latest curiosity from the planet Mars, photographed by the Curiosity rover on August 14, 2014, is an object that very much looks like a bone of some kind. ... the second man to walk on the Moon, during a program commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing. The only way to find out for certain is to direct one of our upcoming Martian rovers to the area and photograph them. The WOW Signal From SETI. See those on the following pages.One of the most fascinating images, pictured at right, shows a ribbed tube or tunnel-like structure. 4/27/2018https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm5hlk944-8&t=2s

In the opinion of the article,Near this structure, the article continues, is a large, open, U-shaped culvert or conduit out of which is flowing a great deal of liquid. When these kids took the controls of the camera, they picked up an image of an anomaly that has scientists puzzled. Partially covered by the surface terrain, the structure looks as though it has been unearthed by some geologic process.

Certainly, we have to admit that the former is more likely, although the latter is far more fun to contemplate.Is it just an optical illusion of stratified layers in the hillside... or is this evidence of a past Martian civilization? If it is indeed a tower of some kind, it stands at an incredible 6.3 kilometers high - 12 times taller than the largest skyscraper on Earth.Could these "structures" be optical illusions of natural geological formations? Yet there are some features of this strange planet that are truly mystifying.Scientists say it is highly unlikely that there is any freestanding or flowing water on Mars, and almost certainly no life. "Lights" have been seen in Mars images before, but they have been explained by NASA as cosmic rays striking the photosensor. From this vantage point—the only one we're offered by the rover—it does resemble a guinea pig as you'd find in any Earthly pet store.Is it likely that this really is some form of Martian rodent?
Is there natural formation comparable to it on Earth?And in case you thought this was a doctored photo, here's the It appears to be a pole-shaped object with roundish objects on it that look like they have carvings on them. Southwest of the infamous "face" is a group of features that have been called "pyramids" (above right). And this is the monolith he's talking about. The object seems to be standing quite on its own on a plain of soil. So we'd like to get a good explanation for this photo taken by the Mars Express orbiter.

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