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cardinal cybo pope medici

Anna Maria Luisa was offered a nominal The "Lorrainers", as the occupying forces were called, were popularly loathed, but the regent, the Prince de Craon, allowed the electress to live unperturbed in the The electress donated much of her fortune to charity: £4,000 a month.The extinction of the main Medici dynasty and the accession in 1737 of As a consequence, the grand duchy expired and the territory became a The greatest accomplishments of the Medici were in the sponsorship of After Lorenzo's death, the puritanical Dominican friar Later, in Rome, the Medici popes continued in the family tradition of patronizing artists in Rome. Cardinal and archbishop On the day on which he was consecrated a bishop, March 17, Leo X made Innocenzo a Protonotary Apostolic [8] In Pope Leo's first consistory, September 23, 1513, he was made cardinal deacon of SS. Piero became head of the Medici family and Lord of Florence.Following the death of his father, Giovanni returned to Florence.Pope Innocent VIII died. Pope Julius II now approved the return of the Medici to Florence and sent the papal army against the French. From Leo's election as pope in 1513 to his death in 1521, Florence was overseen, in turn, by Clement VII's tumultuous pontificate was dominated by a rapid succession of political crises – many long in the making – that resulted in the After securing Alessandro de' Medici's dukedom, Pope Clement VII married off his first cousin, twice removed, In 1534, following a lengthy illness, Pope Clement VII died – and with him the stability of the Medici's "senior" branch. He was succeeded by the young Francis I.Leo X had spent nearly all of the Papal finances. He was buried with his brother in the Church of San Lorenzo. Franceschetto Cybo (1450-25 July 1519) was an Italian nobleman and the illegitimate son of Pope Innocent VIII. They clearly dominated Florentine The Medici additionally benefited from the discovery of vast deposits of The exile of the Medici lasted until 1512, after which the "senior" branch of the family — those descended from Cosimo the Elder — were able to rule until the assassination of The Medici became leaders of Christendom through their two famous 16th century popes, Leo X's fun-loving pontificate bankrupted Vatican coffers and accrued massive debts. Coat of Arms of Catherine of Medici, as Queen of France His younger brother Giuliano took over as head of the Medici family.Giovanni de Medici was officially installed as Pope Leo X.Pope Leo X spent money improving and enlarging the Vatican palace.

(2020). The appointment was made ‘in pectore’ and was to be kept secret for three years.Giovanni de Medici went to Pisa where he studied theology and canon law.The priest Savonarola arrived in Florence. He was succeeded by Charles I of Spain who became Charles V Holy Roman Emperor.The Pope sent Luther a papal bull stating that unless he removed 41 sentences that were deemed heretical from his works, he would be excommunicated. Eldest son of Francesco Cibo, illegitimate son of Giovanni Battista Cibo, future Pope Innocent VIII; and Maddalena de' Medici, daughter of Lorenzo de' Medici. His nephew Lorenzo, son of Piero, became head of the Medici family. He was given 60 days to comply.Luther publicly burned the papal bull he had received in June.Martin Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X for burning the papal bull he had sent in June 1520. So, another fanciful story depicts the balls as pills or cupping glasses (a late-medieval medical instrument used to draw blood). Giovanni returned to Rome to participate in the Papal elections.Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia was elected Pope Alexander VI. Giovanni’s father was head of the Medici bank and Lord of Florence. As was the custom, his head was shaved to give him a tonsure.Giovanni’s cousin Giulio was taken in by the Medici family.Giovanni’s sister, Maddalena de Medici, married Franceschetto Cybo, son of Pope Innocent VIII.Giovanni’s sister, Lucrezia de Medici married Jacopo Salviati.Giovanni’s brother, Piero, married Alfonsina Orsini, daughter of Roberto Orsini, Count of Tagliacozzo in Rome.Giovanni’s father, Lorenzo, was taken ill and travelled to Bad Filetta near Siena to try to improve his health.Giovanni became Cardinal of Santa Maria in Dominica, in Rome. He was accused of offering the posts to the highest bidder though there is no evidence to suggest that he actually did.Pope Leo X was sent a copy of Martin Luther’s ’95 Theses’ with a request that he declare the work heretical.Leo X commissioned the artist Raphael to paint a series of biblical frescoes on the inside walls of the Vatican Palace.Pope Leo X issued a papal bull which legitimised indulgences and declared Luther’s views on the subject to be against the teachings of the Catholic Church.Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor died.

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cardinal cybo pope medici