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bonny portmore scottish version

Every page goes through The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. In 1664 an extensive castle was erected at Portmore, near The melody of this song was first published 1840 in A Scottish version laments the loss of a lover left behind at Portmore, which As with most folk songs, there are many variations.

Bonny portmore Chords by Loreena McKennitt learn how to play chords diagrams.

https://www.last.fm/music/Loreena+McKennitt/_/Bonny+Portmore Album:The Visit.

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Wonderful Ireland with a Hymn by Loreena McKennitt , based on the folkloristic Piece of Music, named Bonnie Portmore Lyrics : BONNIE PORTMORE O Bonnie Portmore, I am sorry to see Such a woeful destruction of your ornament tree For it stood on your shore for many's the long day Till the long boats from Antrim came to float it away.

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Loreena Isabel Irene McKennitt, CM OM (born February 17, 1957 in Morden, Manitoba, Canada) is a Canadian musician, composer, harpist, accordionist, and pianist who writes, records and perf…

From the Album 30 Best Irish Songs for St. Patrick's Day, 2015: Inspirational Saint Paddy's Celtic Music March 12, 2015 Get a special offer and listen to over 60 million songs, anywhere with Amazon Music Unlimited. Bonny Portmore Click on the tune title to see or modify Bonny Portmore's annotations.

Bonny portmore chords by Loreena McKennitt with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. 152,668 Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile.


"Bonny Portmore" is an Irish traditional folk song which laments the demise of Ireland's old oak forests, specifically the Great Oak of Portmore or the Portmore Ornament Tree, which fell in a windstorm in 1760 and was subsequently used for shipbuilding and other purposes.

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This is one version.

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bonny portmore scottish version